
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Assembly Vignette Term-2 Te Kauru assembly

Term-2 Te Kauru assembly

Hooray!!!It’s assembly after all them practises i felt tired,hard to breath and even lost for words that it was really a lot of practises.We had loads of outfits we had Mokos on our chin but for the boys it was on their chin,chest and legs,the girl’s that were villagers as well as the people doing Titi toria{short sticks} was wearing kapa haka dresses,everyone wore headbands except for the warriors,the narriarators wore ties.Iritumoana wore a cloak because he was the cheif.Next we saw the Taniwha and not just an old regular taniwha but a realistic taniwha.They wore blake outfits to focus on the taniwha instead of them and when that taniwha came in the crowd went cray cray.Tarakura slowly slithered to Iritomoana and the warriors gave him white eyes.Mereana and Phillip were the puppeteers for tarakura.When tarakura slithered back he looked intimidating with the body moving up and down giving the crowd a fright with a swoop in every movements they take.It was my turn to speak.I felt the sweat dripping down my face,on my hands and everywhere.I felt nervous i was nervous that the mic was shaking,the mic keeps on cutting out when i shock the mic.It was nerve wracking cause 400 eyes were looking at me including my mum.My heart was pounding faster than a lightning bolt.At the end i felt proud of myself  even my mum was proud of me 9 was happy it ended to.That was one of the best performance ever,even my mum agrees with me.πŸ‘πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

How to play

This video shows you how to play or give you tips on how to play website is down below.πŸ˜€πŸ˜

How i show Integrity a good leader team builder and member

I think i show Integrity by always being honest I know when i have done something wrong and when i can fix my mistakes.I help my friends and other people around when they need help doing something,i help the little ones too.When i play netball i help my team mates by giving them an open space to pass and get the ball to our goal.I like to help the teachers when they need help, they need to get something from the photocopy or need a fast and reliable leader to ran a message over to another teacher.πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ

all about me.

About myselfπŸ’œπŸ˜
Hi im Bindi, I am 10 years old and i go to Paparore school, and I live in New Zealand. My mum’s name is sheree, My dad’s name Is Durin, My big sister is Claudia, My little sister is Madison and my grandads name is Robin.

What I'm good atπŸ˜πŸ‘

I am really good at helping Claudia with her homework. I enjoy helping Claudia with her homework. My challenge is to help bake. My goal for this year is to cook for mum.

My learningπŸ‘…πŸ˜€

This year i’m looking forward to camp that’s in term 4.For our camp were going to the Whangerai pools,Ackland zoo,rainbows end and a schoolπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„. I’m also looking forward to the school disco.I like to finish and add more on to my blog about my life, about my pets and more.